Ramblings Post #291
I've read science fiction/fantasy for years, sometimes seeing the story it originated from and other times missing the point entirely. What I have a problem with now, is that people who don't read it are discovering it because Hollywood finally ran out of other ideas. And they're having a horrible time trying to apply their current outlook on life and modern society to something that would regard them just as much fantasy in return. It's like hearing people discuss why the physics don't work in your favorite comic book. Ugh. That's not why we're here people!
I've read science fiction/fantasy for years, sometimes seeing the story it originated from and other times missing the point entirely. What I have a problem with now, is that people who don't read it are discovering it because Hollywood finally ran out of other ideas. And they're having a horrible time trying to apply their current outlook on life and modern society to something that would regard them just as much fantasy in return. It's like hearing people discuss why the physics don't work in your favorite comic book. Ugh. That's not why we're here people!
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by Fernando Mendonça |
For the people upset at the ending of
Game of Thrones episode “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken” I’m fairly certain
that Disney will welcome you back with open arms.
and beheading because a character is a little miffed? Oh sure. Onscreen
disemboweling when a quick allusion to the death would suffice? Yes
please. A completely in context story point and character appropriate
action that results
in an assault on a woman? Oh my god what am I watching, you horrid
horrid people!
Sansa was in a room with Ramsey
Bolton. Locked in a room. On her wedding night. If nothing else, the cultural
assumption for the setting, in just the basic the context of the story, was
that something had to happen. No ifs, no ands, no buts. I really hope no one thought Sansa would
somehow seduce Ramsey and masterfully maintain the fragile bit of
agency she’d gained in the past few episodes. And the idea that she’d
get the same deal from Ramsey that Tyrion gave her was a fanciful notion
at best. By the Seven, her new ‘husband’ neutered
the other person in the room, something which received no outcry at all
if I remember correctly. The idea that this ‘event’ wasn’t going to be
pleasant shouldn’t have been shocking or even unexpected.
Get a grip people.
I get irked when people who don’t know
the genre or the style of story get upset trying to apply modern values
or cultural norms. This is a despicable character doing a very
despicable thing in a time and place where despicable things were
all too commonplace. No, this wasn’t in the book, what was in the book
was much, much worse – although it happened to a character Ramsey just
thought was a Stark, but it still happened. But this television, or a
serial drama, or however you want to characterize
it, and things are condensed. So this happened. Again, Disney is like
four channels over. Bye.
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By Fernando Mendonça |
But since we’re off the books anyway
and Brienne is around the corner, might we get a light at the highest
window of the tower? Brienne kidnaps Sansa and the daughter becomes
Lady Stoneheart instead of her resurrected mother, due to this trauma? Maybe we’ll get to see
Ramsay get his comeuppance, something I now hope to happen like I wanted Joffrey to die. All things are possible.
Seriously people, in an episode all
about lies, with Arya learning to to lie, Loras and Margery lying with
imperial pomposity, and Tyrion and Jorah lying to save their skins and
other parts, the simply idea that Ramsey Bolton wasn’t lying
when he gave his word to Littlefinger that he “wouldn’t hurt her”
shouldn’t have been a shock at all.
Barkeep, some wine. I don't know, what ever the vintage they drink at King's Landing will do.
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By Fernando Mendonça |