Sunday, September 20, 2020

Ruth. Bader. Ginsberg.

In a better system, and 87-year old woman dying would not cause people to fear for the future of democracy.
~ The Gravel Institute

Her impact is inestimable. She spent her life and time on the country's highest court using her considerable legal skills to make the country better for us all. And recognizing the stakes instead of retiring and living out her last few years in peace she held on to her position as long as she could breathe. Her tenacity and spirit are a testament to how we all should live.

I didn't understand her friendship with fellow Justice Scalia, but then sometimes we all make odd friends at work. She battled sexism and prejudice while growing up, and engaged the patriarchy with a brilliant mind and sharp wit on behalf of every generation that followed her, man or woman, black or white. And as a writer her dissents from the bench where the she found the majority lacking were the stuff that made law students realize the power of words.

And now she has moved on.

Thank you.   

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