Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Notes from the Law Desert - Part 2

Notes from the Law Desert - Part 2
When you join one of the historically black fraternal organizations, the process is called "Crossing the Burning Sands." It's supposed to mean this journey represents your commitment. Getting ready for the Bar is like that...only for law.

I'm about to have to start forcing myself to go to sleep at a reasonable hour. I mean like 10 pm or something, maybe even 9:30 pm.. This staying up and reading one more thing is getting chronic. I need to stop it. My body clock is off right now. Time for a reset.

And man I want a bowl of cereal, like so bad. But it's not on the diet. I'm gonna get some cereal. No. Maybe. If I do okay on this practice test. Wait, I'm not a dog, why am I rewarding myself with food? If I'm aware of that...does it make it okay?

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Notes from the Law Desert - Part 1

Notes from the Law Desert - Part 1
When you join one of the historically black fraternal organizations, the process is called "Crossing the Burning Sands." It's supposed to mean this journey represents your commitment. Getting ready for the Bar is like that...only for law.

Screenshot from the PSN game Journey.
The other night, just as I was drifting off to sleep, after reading through my notes for the Nth time, I suddenly remembered that I hadn't fed the dogs. In like a while. I felt bad. So I got up out of bed and started stumbling to the kitchen.


I don't own a dog.

At this rate by test time, I'll be stumbling out to milk the cows. 

Monday, January 21, 2013

Second Term (The Remix)

This is a political post. 

Because I spent this day, um...celebrating my freedoms. No, wasting time before the studying ramps up to the next level tomorrow. Less than 30 days. But after watching the Inauguration this morning, I decided to do the REMIX.

Because that's what we do nowadays. Remix the good stuff.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Crossing the Law Desert

Ramblings Post #213
There isn't anything slick or witty here. My brain isn't cooperating right now. It's got other things it's working on. And I'm a little tired. I'm worried about peaking too soon - learning stuff I'll forget later, AND worried about not getting enough info into my head in time. Now this is a balancing act.


That's what I've been doing. Other than the occasional drink out - Spanky got a new second job bartending and I went to support - and the occasional video game at the end of the day my life has boiled down to wake up, eat, and study. And sleep and repeat.

Oh the excitement.

Sporty has started sending me nice watches, so I'll have the proper accessories to go with my suits once I start practicing.

Right now I try to do one non-law thing a day, because next month there will probably be no non-law related things a day for a while. Ramp up, get at it.

The end of February approaches. I ready my armor. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Football Wrap-up

Ramblings Post #212
This does not concern college football, something I usually only watch because it's the hosts alma mater (or favorite team) and the drinks are free. And just so you know, for the next two weeks "Alabama jokes" are on a moratorium. Now, my team did not make the playoffs. So for me, the NFL season is on hiatus. Combined with the fact that the proximity of the Superbowl to the Georgia Bar Exam means I might not watch it all and that any excitement the event might generate will have to boxed up for St. Paddy's Day. Priorities mate, priorities.

I'm going to comment on teams that are NOT the Cowboys first. Do not be alarmed.

Arr - Gee - Three

I don't even like the Redskins, me being a Cowboy fan and all, but what the hell was Shanahan doing? RG3 thought he could play? The player always thinks they can play! Who in the hell cares! I was worried about a few of my friends who are Redskin fans who I think saw the future of the franchise limp off the field in the fourth quarter, but I think I'm more worried about a promising young player ...he's playing for the wrong team, but still... whose career may have been cut short for no good reason at all.

It's not like the Redskins are bereft a backup of some quality, I think Cousins could actually start for a team or two. Now I understand Griffin has torn ligaments, for the second time. I know he's young and invincible, we all were once, but he's about to find out that odds are he's more like Bo Jackson (hip) than Adrian Peterson (knee). They won the division his first season, brought excitement back to DC football, secured Shanahan at least another year, wasn't that enough?

Post his surgery, they're optimistic that he can rehab in six to eight months. Optimistic. For a repair of a repair. Walking is more important than football. And even repaired, they're going to have "adjust" the offense to take this into account. Which makes the novelty of what Griffin can do less effective. Which makes what makes him good...less. That said, here's to hoping to RG3 has a long career. And here's to hoping the 'skin's trade him....Hey, man can dream!

The ground now counts as a player.

And what is this new follow through to the ground rule? If the player has the ball in hand, two feet on the ground, how is that not a catch? I can understand the control issue, but now it seems like one of the basic rules of football since  the push-around matches of Pop-Warner that "the ground can't cause a fumble" has been changed. Which is a fundamental change in football. 

More Games

The NFL, which already has a sixteen game schedule, is considering adding even more games, pushing the total to eighteen. I'm not sure if they intend to eliminate a couple of pre-season games or slide a few more in in the middle, but I'm fairly certain they can't push the Superbowl back any further. Or shouldn't anyway.

And I realize it's all part of the push to give the client "more product" but have they looked at the game? Players get injured, and adding more games means the players are more likely to get injured. Which dilutes the product they're trying to sell. Maybe the coaches will have to strategize like baseball and keep key players on the bench (or not even suit up) for some games...but wait that will only water down the product. No, wait, maybe they could make it illegal to tackle? Think about it... high scoring and no injuries! No, wait, that too would water down the product.

But then, are the owners really worried about watering down the product?

Now onto the Cowboys.

The Cowboys need to address primarily the offensive line and shore up the corners a little bit more. They've got two decent receivers, a good set of defenders if they can all stay healthy, and a quarterback that actually isn't half bad...despite the detractors who swear he's the worse thing throwing since JaMarcus Russell. My brother thinks I am being a little too much of a fanboy...but the only reason they even got to where they were is Romo. On his good days.

Then they fired Rex. Why? He only had middle linebackers and defensive tackles disappear from the roster like the team played in the Bermuda Triangle which is not his fault. Considering what he had to work with injury-wise, the man did a fairly decent job. I liked that he didn't dial up a blitz option every other snap, which must have confounded a play caller or three. Rex just ran out of healthy players. Let's be honest, the only reason Jason Garrett still has a job after a season of single minded play calling is that's he's Jerry Jones handpicked guy. And Jerry's been stewing about making it work HIS way since everyone watching believed reality and gave the credit to Jimmy Johnson instead of the boss. Which would have been how it worked in corporate America, but not in football.

The 'Boys for the past few seasons have a made it a business to make the simple look difficult, and the difficult to look easy. And a large part of it is the coaching. And maybe if they hired an actual general manager, although Jerry has been playing at one so long he may now actually considered to be experienced at the task. Terrible, but experienced. Whatever happened to that petition to the White House to get Jerry separated from the team?


Go Cowboys. It's not like I'm gonna stop being a fan. Through thick and thin.

Barkeep. Ice Tea. I'm studying for the bar....and sitting at it. Oh, I made a pun.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

What I learned 2012

I even had the tickets! Okay, last year I promised myself I would go out this year, but a year ago I was still on plan A and was going to have been practicing law by now.  Right now I'm on plan B and will be practicing law in a few months. So my impetus behind celebrating the new year was a little weaker than anticipated. So, this again, no party in a ball room, no suite, no midnight champagne toasts, or even a New Year's kiss, just sitting on the couch sending out texts to friends wishing them a great 2013. Lame, I know...but you have keep your eye on the prize.

And my current prize is the bar in late February. Then, onto the next step. Each part in it's place.

As I've explained before, I don't really make resolutions, because it's only mid-afternoon on January 1 and I'm fairly certain one or two of them would already have been broken. Instead, I discuss what I learned. Some of these I will internalize forever, some lessons will soon be as familiar as high school French.

Again, for legal purposes this time, my apologies to Esquire magazine. Think of it as me warming up for you, because it's coming...and you will call. 

Just because things don't happen the way you planned them, doesn't mean they aren't going to happen.

Work is underrated.

I need people in my life. Friends, enemies, family, because being alone is hard.

If you can't make a choice, flip a coin. How it comes down is unimportant, because what you hoped it would land on while it was in the air is your choice.

Its the regaining your footsteps after you've faltered that is the hardest.  

Love finds a way. Maybe not a big dramatic way, but a way.

Sometimes, you just need bacon. 

Know your own demons. And know the situations that cause them to show up.

If you're scared, take a hop of faith first and see how it feels. Then make the leap.

Thinking about writing is different than actually writing. It doesn't count if it doesn't actually make it to the page.

A good couch. You have to have a good couch.

Everybody has something different that sets them off, because everyone's story is different. Sometimes your fix, or even casual comment can open up a can of worms. Don't take it personal.

Things keep coming back. Things you forgot you did tend to crop up again when you least expect it, so be careful what you do.

Sometimes, you just have to put on a good show. No need for everyone to be upset.

Life is better with somebody.