Monday, February 25, 2013

Zero Hour fast approaches...

Notes from the Law Desert - Part 5 
"And where is Donald Duck? Donald Duck is at the crossroads with a machine gun." That's a line from The Dirty Dozen, a classic war movie - about careful planning and what might happen along the way. That this moment calls to mind that film, and in the final chapter most of them don't make it... ugh.

I have rewritten my notes from the first time I took the class. Done the question drills, watched the videos, used the flash cards my dad got me, and read the outline, the mini-outline and the other outline. And the sample answers for the essays I couldn't hope to duplicate given the time constraints. And now, this is it.

The bar exam.

The first day is six essays - the writing part. Two long, four short. Two three hour sessions, so you better have figured out time management! The second day is the working through law questions part - and the convoluted mental hurdles we should able to clear to understand why ... lets say answer B might be right, but why answer A would be an even better choice.

Sounds like fun, don't it?

One last brush up on the essays tonight...then 6am roll out.... lock and load, we're going for bear! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Luck!!! This is Bayou from Da Board btw.