Friday, September 28, 2012

Bar chatter

Bar chatter #27
Sometimes it ain't enough to equal a whole post, but still needs to be said.... it's bar chatter. 

I should be out this weekend. It's the FAMU v. whoever else is playing Weekend and all my people that I ain't seen in forever are in town. I haven't been out for the whole week's festivities since Law school started in the long ago. The party kicked off on Wednesday, got really rolling Thursday night and started at one in afternoon for the day party on Friday.

I however am just getting over what I think is the flu...and rather than infect half the east coast I have missed everything. Yes, I'm staying home. On a Friday in Atlanta during a be out weekend. Son of a ....

Quite probably Game Day Saturday too, unless I see a big improvement in the next 12 hours. And the house party afterwards!

So bummed right now. 

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